

Wisconsin Vacation : Sunsets

We went on our yearly family vacation to Wisconsin back in August, and I'm finally getting around to going through the pictures.  You can find the other posts from this year's vacation here and here.
I love a good sunset and there is nothing more beautiful than enjoying one with the people you love in a place that is very near and dear to your heart.  Here is a bunch of my favorite sunset/evening pics from our trip.  I love the ones at the end with Cora and Robbie fishing.

See previous sunset posts here or my Instagram vacation pics at #coopstromsonvacation

See past posts about Wisconsin herehereherehere, and here


Wisconsin Vacation : Day-to-Day

We went on our yearly family vacation to Wisconsin back in August, and I'm finally getting around to going through the pictures.  You can find the other post from this year's vacation here.
This was my first vacation in 4 years where I wasn't also working.  It was really nice to completely relax and not worry about waking up extra early to get my work hours in.  Generally I'm an early riser, so I was still able to enjoy some quiet time each morning before most of my family woke up.

The last morning on vacation, Cora and I snuck off for bismarks (kind of like a jelly filled donut) with Honey and walking around town checking out the sites.  Unsurprisingly, Cora chowed down.

The weather is pretty chilly in the morning so everything moves a little slower.  We get to enjoy being bundled up and putzing around the the land checking out nature.

In the afternoon, we get our suits on and hang out on the dock.  This year we had a couple excursions, but that didn't distract us from our favorite Wisconsin activity of dock time.  Cora LOVED going out for kayak rides with Mommy and Uncle Robbie, collecting rocks, using the sunscreen stick, following Clove around, and opening/closing the shampoo bottles a million times a day.  Cue way to many cute pictures of Cora in her swimsuit...

This was Clove's first trip to the cottage and she loved it!  She was pretty well behaved the whole time (which is a big deal for her if you knew how wild she used to be) and loved being outside all day.  We had a terrible owner moment where we didn't realize she would need sunscreen, but she didn't let a sunburnt nose get in the way of having an awesome vacation.  It took her a while to get the hang of swimming, but the last day at the lake we had to drag her out of the water because she loved it so much.  She enjoyed snapping at the waves, hunting fish in the shallow end, and sunbathing on the dock with us humans.

The day-to-day life in Wisconsin is what is so perfect about these vacations.  There are always a activities to do if we want, but it's nice to slow down, relax, and enjoy hanging out with your family.

PS.  Check out this picture of Cora 1 year ago vs this year same outfit. They grow so fast!
You can see our vacation pictures I shared on Instagram at #coopstromsonvacation

See past posts about Wisconsin herehereherehere, and here


Wisconsin Vacation : Excursions

We went on our yearly family vacation to Wisconsin back in August, and I'm finally getting around to going through the pictures.  I don't get tons of free time lately, so I'm posting as I get a chance.  I also like to stretch that vacation feeling out as long as possible :)

This year, we were able to get out on a couple excursions.  We traveled to Duluth a couple of times to visit my aunt in the hospital.  Ben, Cora, and I went there for a day date and a visit.  We enjoyed some touristy views of Superior, mini doughnuts from a food boat (was kind of like food truck food, but was a build in boat near this view), walked along the shore, and enjoyed some nearby mexican food. I had some really cute pictures from the day, but my phone managed to wipe everything from that entire day... so this one is all I have.  It was perfect weather (maybe a little on the warm side) and was nice to get out just the three of us for a little bit of alone time. 
Later in the week, we tried out a new hike called Houghton Falls in Washburn.  It was only a mile or two (always feels like more when you're lugging a baby on your back), but had a pretty view of Superior.  I wish it would have been a little bit longer like some of the other hikes we take up here, but it would be a perfect quick stop on our way to Bayfield or some other excursion.

The beginning/ending part of the hike was flat and had boardwalks, so Cora was able to get out of the backpack and walk the last little section.  If the hike had been any longer, she probably would have enjoyed a nice little nap towards the end instead.

You can see our vacation pictures I shared on Instagram at #coopstromsonvacation

See past posts about Wisconsin here, here, here, here, and here