

Baby #2

In case you don't follow me on other forms of media... Surprise!  Our family will be welcoming another baby girl into our family in September.  We are so excited for the new addition to our family and we're excited to see what life as a family of four looks like for us.  We've had quite a lot of other changes in the last 6 months (a post for another day), so classic second child has taken the back burner a little bit.  

How we found out: After work one day in January, I realized that I hadn't had my monthly visitor, so Cora and I took a trip to Target to pick up a test and a couple other necessities.  I experienced my first Terrible Twos/Threenager behavior (Cora running away from me in the store, screaming, etc) so I was sure there was some judgement when the cashier was checking out the pregnancy tests while I'm holding a screaming toddler... c'est la vie.  Ben was off at basketball and called me while I was taking the test to let me know he was on his way home (he didn't know what I was doing and thought it was weird I was so quiet).  It was so faint at first, but faint means positive and I was so excited after months of waiting.  I wrapped up the positive test and put it in a gift bag with some other treats for Ben and anxiously waited for him to come home.  He thought I just bought him a toothbrush... hahahaha, yup I bought a toothbrush and wrapped it up with wrapping paper to give to him :|. He was all smiles when he saw what it was and could not have been happier.  We spent the rest of the evening talking about names, how fun it will be for Cora to have a sibling, and taking family pictures to remember the moment.
What Cora thinks: We shared the news with family pretty early on because we knew Cora wouldn't be able to keep a secret for long.  Cora loves being able to announce "I'm gonna be a big sister!" and still loves to share the news with any stranger that will listen.  She came to the anatomy ultrasound and when the tech said it was a girl, Cora kept saying "It's not a girl, it's a sister!" and telling the tech not to push so hard on my belly.  She also loved to trick people and say "It's a BOY!!!"  Overall she has been pretty excited to have a baby and judging by her nurturing personality, I think she'll be a really good sister and helper.

How I'm feeling: Overall, this pregnancy is a lot harder on me than my pregnancy with Cora.  I'm more sick, my body is achier, and my belly is growing faster than I did with my first pregnancy. While I'm probably just as tired this time around, my body isn't craving sleep like it did with Cora.  I used to have to go to sleep or nap right when I got home from work and get 8-10 hours, but I'm doing pretty good on 7 hours a night most days during the week.  This baby moves around a lot more and I can feel her flipping around all of the time (Cora was pretty much in one position the whole time and her kicks were always in the same places).  Baby sister kicks and moves a lot more when she can hear Cora's voice, so they're already bonding or she's trying to get away from the noise.
Looking forward to: I'm really looking forward to seeing what Baby Sister's personality is going to be like since she already seems so different from Cora.  I can't wait to see how Cora will be as a big sister and watch all the adventures they'll enjoy together.  I'm also really looking forward to a longer maternity leave (almost twice as long) so I can enjoy more time with the baby and spend time with Cora.  I also have a nephew coming soon, so I'm really excited to see what it'll be like with them all growing up together.

Only 3 more months until we welcome this babe into the world! :)


Conversations With Cora : Part II

Cora never stops talking, so she is constantly making me laugh.  Lately I love all her little prayers and when she talks to/about baby, so no better place to compile and share them all than on the good old blog.

When she fell while hiking "UGHH, not my cat pants!!!"

Picking and bringing me a dandelion and she said "because I love you"

"You are going to my school?!?  That is impossible... my school is for kids!"

Woke up in the middle of the night 
Cora: I wanna go on a date"  
Me: with who?
Cora: you
Me: where do you want to go?
Cora: to the park
then rolled over and fell asleep

Woke up in the middle of the night "Make me a sandwich!!!" and immediately fell back asleep.

I was telling her we had no money because I forgot my wallet so Cora slowly plotted our meal plan
"Lets eat dinner at... no money!  Lets take Daddy's money! Take his cards out of his wallet, yeah! LET'S TAKE DADDY'S MONEY!!!  Yeah!"

Me: what are you doing?! 
Cora: (talking loud enough for them to hear) STARING AT THOSE PEOPLE!

Praying "God Bless Momma's baby, God Bless Momma!"

"I forgot to pray for you... Dear God, thank you for Mommy pooping and thank you for Daddy pooping."

Constantly going to my belly to tell baby stories and then saying "ooooh, she tickled me!!"

She stared at the picture of Jesus on her new bible and said "God, I love you" and kissed it goodnight.

YESTERTIME: When Cora is referring to something that happened in the past. We went to a baseball game yestertime.

GROSSTING: disgusting and gross combined.  I can't eat this... it is grossting