

Life With Cora :: 6 Months

How the heck is my sweet Cora already 6 months old?!  This 6 month 'milestone' is something that I was excited to reach (6 month old babies are the perfect age), but couldn't really picture getting there.  This past month, Cora has started having tastes of food (avacado & zuchini so far), become obsessed with paddling around during bathtime, mastered the highchair, and had her first cold.

We have been going out on a lot of adventures enjoying the last of the nice weather.  Cora loves when we go on walks where she can look around the neighborhood and watch the dog walk along beside us.  We've also had multiple zoo adventures in the last month.

As seen in the pictures, Cora has been sitting up with very few toppling instances.  She is also working on her 'crawling'... or what looks more like inch worming.  She still has the old-man-wheezing laugh, and is finding more and more to laugh at every day.

I'm not sure how I got such a smiley & happy baby (even when she was sick).  My heart is full.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Have a golden day!