Hey friends! Remember me?! Like I mentioned in my Easter post, better late than never.
We already had a lot going on during the weekend of Cora's 2nd birthday with some family in town and a memorial planned for my aunt, so we tried to keep her actual birthday and party pretty chill. We woke up early and went to Panera for breakfast. Cora got a little pastry and loved flirting with everyone in sight. One of the Panera workers found out it was her birthday so she ran and got her $2 out of her purse to gift to Cora. It was such a sweet gesture and I have the money tucked away to put in a piggy bank. We rushed off and toured preschool for the fall before we headed to the zoo.
We met up with Honey for a quick zoo trip. We didn't anticipate how crowded it would be with field trips and other Friday zoo-goers so we kept the trip short and sweet.
Ben, Cora, and I stopped by Cafe Desales which was one of our favorite lunch date spots back when I was pregnant. If you ever go, you must get a mango smoothie.
Ben worked for a little, while Cora and I hung around the house and did normal everyday stuff. Around 5:30 we left for my parent's house to help finish up the birthday decorations (see here for a quick 'Happy Birthday' bunting how-to).
Cora had so much fun at her party. She had a blast running around with her cousins, having everyone sing 'happy birthday' to her, and opening all of the presents. It is so fun to see how much she has grown since last year's birthday... or even Christmas. Instead of mostly observing her older cousins and hanging back, she is jumping into the action.
When we woke up the next morning, she had a baby hangover where she was wearing last night's tutu dress, crazy hair, and was so sleepy. We had to be somewhere by 10 or else she probably would have slept most of the day. I asked her if she wanted to get up and she kept wriggling around saying 'no'. When I asked her if she had fun at her birthday, she had the biggest smile and kept saying things like "happy birthday", " presents", "cake" all while wriggling around with her eyes closed.