Yes, I'm sharing a Christmas themed craft so early in the season. I love the occasional christmas song and seeing some things around, but I'm generally against all out celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving has even arrived... so I surprised myself a little when Cora and I were Targeting a couple weeks ago and I decided to check out the Christmas section. I figured it was fun for her to check out all of the Christmas things (picture her going "WOOOWW!" as she looks up at the giant white trees), but I also came away with a little inspiration. I saw this yarn wrapped ornament and almost bought it for Cora before I quickly reminded myself "Why buy when you can DIY?!". So I got busy after Cora fell asleep and whipped this thing up in under an hour.
+ cardboard
+ tape
+ glue gun
+ 2-4 colors of yarn
1. Trace out desired letter twice (I've found it's a little easier when the letters are less curvy)
4. Use about 2" long pieces of tape to tape the thin strip between the letter pieces... I found it was helpful to 'loosen' up the strip of cardboard by running it between my pinched fingers at an angle.
5. Cover ends of letter shape with yarn
6. Wrap the yarn around the letter and hot glueing only on one side. Make sure to glue in the middle of the shape instead of the edge. I found glueing at the edges then wrapping made the yarn push the hot glue up a little bit and made it slightly visible. (sidenote: check out my hot glue gun set up, ha!)
7. Wrap until finished... be very generous with the glue on the ends, so the yarn doesn't slide off.
8. Braid yarn and add a loop for hanging on the Christmas tree.
Here is Target's version vs my version:
While the initial cost for the DIY would be higher than the cost of one ornament (3 skeins of cheap yarn is probably around $10) there would be a lot of extra yarn leftover and you can make tons of ornaments (or other crafts) with the yarn. Overall, a pretty easy/fun DIY and I love thinking of all of the color combinations I can make.