We've been working on a lot of stuff since we moved into our new house, so I have lots to share in the coming weeks. On Thanksgiving, I wanted a small project that I could work on with Cora, so I figured we would do something for her room. Before she woke up I grabbed her toy box from the garage (where we stored all our stuff while we slowly unpack) and sanded it down. She 'helped' me prime then we took some inspiration from our cardboard house and got to painting.
We started with some of our darker colors (blacks, gray, dark blue) and we each took a side to put a layer all over the whole thing. Ben even got in on the action. When we finished with this layer we just thought "what have we done?!" because it looks like a complete mess. There is always that point in the project where I completely hate what we've done... and this was that point. We stepped away to enjoy the rest of our Thanksgiving and have an amazing family dinner.
The following morning, I snuck upstairs with Ida while Cora was sleeping. I put a layer or two of some whites and blues all over the box to even it out. It's hard to get a good picture because of the coloring, but it really turned out pretty cute and a fun/funky piece.
Cora loved the surprise of waking up and seeing it all finished and we both love the reminder of a piece we worked on together. We moved it around her room and found the perfect spot at the end of her bed so it's near her other toys and she can use it to climb in her bed. Since we incorporated the same blue we used on her trim, it coordinates well with her room without being matchy-matchy.
I joined Thrift Diving's 30 day room makeover challenge with Cora's room. You can see Cora's room pictures and the other makeovers here. I'm still working on a couple other projects for her room for it to really be finished (as finished as a room can be), but I'll share those as I work on them and get pictures.
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