
Friends & Zoo

I know I am super late on posting this, but I've been kinda busy with work, crafts, and generally living life.  I wanted to share some pictures from the super fun weekend we had last weekend.
Saturday, I met up with Margaret for a long lunch  then hung out with Sammie in a perfectly timed switch-off (seriously, as soon as Margaret had to leave, Sammie was walking up to meet us).  Sammie and I were going to go to the zoo, but there happened to be some kind of walk and it seemed incredibly crowded and the parking was bad.  Instead of the zoo, we went down to Eden park and walked around Mirror Lake a couple times just catching up.  Before we knew it, it was 5 o'clock and I figured I should get my baby home at some point.

I was right about needing to get Cora home because she fell asleep as soon as we got home and slept 13 hours!!!  I wish I could sleep that long.  Ben and I got to enjoy some dinner/tv/hangout time while Cora was sleeping.  I also was able to cut out some strips for the quilt binding (more on that soon).

Since Cora and I didn't get to go to the zoo on Saturday, we met up with my parents on Sunday and had a zoo-filled morning.  It was complete opposite of the day before and there was barely anybody there.
the many faces of Cora

Mama lion and her cub

Cora and Grandma

After the zoo, we went over to my parent's house for lunch and the Bengals game.  Afternoon naps.  Indian dinner with Margaret.  And the weekend was over.


  1. Such a happy baby!

    I've been craving Indian! Send some my way!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Have a golden day!

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