
Christmas Extras

I may be a little late with this Christmas-related post, but who cares... I have some cute little things to share and I always like to extend the holiday season as long as I can.  I got Clove a couple sweaters at Target, but I underestimated how big she is.  Here she is in the sweater we were able to get on her.
Fat dog in a little coat
She had to suck up to Ben so he would take it off
I received an awesome package from Jazz.  It contained a card, Christmas cd, infinity scarf (perfect color since I've been trying to expand my wardrobe into the yellow hues), candy, and ornaments that made everything smell amazing.  You can read more about it on Jazz's blog.
Following tradition, my aunt and uncle bought me a poinsettia for my apartment.  I love having the festive plant since I didn't have a tree this year.  Unfortunately, I'm not very good at keeping plants alive so it is pretty much dead at this point.  At least it lasted through the holidays and I got some good pictures of it while it was alive.
We had to scrap Clove's sweater idea and found this Santa Outfit (also at Target) and bought a size larger.  Finally... Holiday outfit success!  She loves it and wore it the entire day on Christmas without fidgeting.
They love each other!
 And here are a bunch of pictures showing how cute my dog is in her Santa outfit:
I love this on her!  I took her out on a lot of rides wearing this outfit and the reactions from people were priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Clove!!!! She looks sooooooo cute in her santa outfit! And yeah, I always over or underestimate the size of my dog whenever I try to buy her a new collar.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Have a golden day!

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