Happy Halloween friends! We have been sick for a majority of October, so we missed out on a lot of Halloween events in our area. When holidays roll around, I love looking back at previous years and I thought it'd be fun to share some of Cora's old costumes.
For Cora's first Halloween, she had two costumes. She was 6 months old and it is so fun to dress them up in little costumes. She had the giraffe costume above (this is what Ida is wearing this year) and the owl costume below. Cora wore the owl costume over to my parent's house on Halloween. It was rainy so we hung out inside and helped pass out candy whenever a kid would come to the door.
When Cora was 1.5, we dressed her in a bee costume we got from my cousin. For some reason, this is the only photo I have from trick-or-treating that year. I promise she was thrilled to be hanging out. We only hit up a couple of houses and then we spent the rest of the evening hanging out at my parent's house (they usually have chairs and a fire setup in the front).
When Cora was 2.5, she really really wanted to be a cat. Last minute, we found some cat ears and tail at Target and this almost too small cat hoodie that she loved. I have no pictures from actual trick-or-treating that year, but his is from a trunk-or-treat at her school. The picture in front of the leaves is one of my all time favorite fall photos of her.
Last year, we really phoned it in and didn't even get a costume ordered from Amazon in time. We lucked out and found the exact same costume at a Halloween store for $15 less than online. Cora immediately lost the tiger head at Home Depot. After a lot of phone calls and dropping by Home Depot, we finally got the head back a couple days later. She still dresses up in this costume and loves wearing it around the house.
This year we have three costumes to choose from. Our town had a little costume swap and Cora picked out a princess costume and a wizard costume. A couple of weeks later, I lucked out on our town's free Facebook group and got the cutest handmade little red riding hood. I'm pretty sure she'll wear the red riding hood costume, but she's always in to last minute changes.
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