
Life With Ida : 18 Months

While 6 months is my favorite 'newborn' age, 18 months is for sure my favorite becoming a toddler age. They're still kind of babies and need help with stuff and give lots of cuddles, but they are better at communicating and start to do things for themselves. Life feels more like adventuring and memory-making rather than the just-trying-to-survive newborn years.
We've been doing a lot of family adventures (I shared our trips to Ault and Bellevue parks earlier) and I'm loving getting out and about with both of our girls enjoying our time together. It's warming up and shee loves to get outside on our walks and chasing her sister down the sidewalk. Ida is a wild one, so she loves to climb on the neighbor's walls and just stand there. We were visiting our neighbors and Ida was loving playing in her planters full of dirt, so I'm anticipating that she will be a big 'helper' when garden season comes around.
Ida is getting more and more chatty. She has a decent amount of words that she says, but they're such a low whisper that I can barely hear what she is saying. It's always a surprise when she says 'yes!' loudly or she when she is loud out of nowhere, but it's always a fun surprise
Ida loves to run around the house by herself. She'll check in on us or play with her sister, but you can always find her up to something. Ida loves to carry around books and flip through them whenever there isn't a lot of action going on. I love watching her gain independence and see what kind of things she decides she wants to do.
Lately, the girls have been FaceTiming me while I'm at work. Ida loves to steal the phone away from her sister or dad and run away like a wild woman. There are lots of giggles and shaky camera, but I love little glimpses of my girls throughout the day.
I love this sweet girl and her giggles and cuddles. We are so lucky to have her and I'm loving watching her grow. I can't wait to watch her personality flourish in the coming months and watching the many changes that come before the two year old milestone.
It is fun to look back and see Cora at 18 months to see their differences and similarities. I love seeing them wearing some of the same outfits, doing some of the same things, and seeing how they even have the same little top-of-the-head curl. 

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