
Park Weekend

I woke up early Saturday morning and hit up Sharon Woods (yes, again).  It was a little chilly, but nothing a quick walk can't cure.  The trail was mostly empty so it was really peaceful.
Whenever I see a nice sunrise, I feel like God is personally wishing me "Good Morning!"

After Sharon Woods, I went and finally joined the Rec Center.  I've been debating on whether I should purchase a membership or not.  After three years of working there, I missed not being there all of the time and gave in and joined.  I put in a good workout and headed home to try and be productive.

I've been working on a t-shirt blanket for the last 3.5 years and I was really set on finishing it this week.  I get everything set up but I couldn't get the sewing machine to work... of course, true to my 'Dr. Destructo' nickname, the sewing machine wouldn't catch and started smoking.  So I put that project off until another day.  However, I did hand sew a little key chain lanyard.

Sunday, BC and I went for a picnic and hike in Alms Park.  They have some short little trails.  One trail completely dead ended, but we didn't realize it until we climbed over a handful of fallen trees and ended up in the middle of the woods.  There were lots of fun Hunger Games references when we were in the woods.  We backtracked and took another trail that was about a mile long.  I can't wait until there are leaves on the trees and more flowers coming out of the ground! 
view at the end of our hike

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